Monthly Archives: December 2012

Dog Needs Ride from PA to FL After Owner Killed on Interstate

A dog needs a ride from Pennsylvania to Florida after his owner was killed on Wednesday while he was stopped to help a car accident victim.  The dog was with his owner at the time of his death and thankfully, a tow truck driver saved the dog from ending up at the pound.  Now, Rancid needs help to get back to his family in Florida.  Please share their story!!

If the World Ends Tomorrow

If the world ends tomorrow… I will hug my kids a little tighter.  I won’t wait for bedtime or “owie’s” as the main reason for a squeeze.  As they run through the house screaming and being obnoxious, I will close my eyes to the fact that they are running in the house and I will close my ears to their screams.  I will make a point to sit each one of them down, alone, and I will look into their very soul and I will tell them just how proud they have made me, how they have given my life purpose, how they have made me wake up every day and thank God that I am alive and how they are the most special thing in the entire world.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will remind myself of all of the great things that I have accomplished and I will take the time to forgive myself for all of the times when I “slipped up” or made a mistake.  I will remember the dreams I’ve had, the trials and tribulations and I will smile when I think of all that I still have left to do.  It’s only when we stop making lists that our life is done.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will tell everyone in my life how much I love them and how they have changed my life.  I will rely on a hug in person rather than a Facebook post, a text message or an email.  I’ll remember how the phone works and I won’t be satisfied until I hear a voice at the other end of the line.  The people that have come into and out of my life have shaped me into who I am today.  I’ve learned countless lessons on friendship, expectations, compassion and love.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will honor my own personal heroes.  While they don’t wear capes or save the world, they have saved me, motivated me and pushed me to be so much more than I ever thought possible.  They aren’t superstars or famous people, they are “everyday” people who choose to change the world and influence positive behavior and actions.  It’s impossible not to be a better person when you have them in your life.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will forgive and forget.  I won’t just act like everything is okay, I will make it so.  I will forgive those who have hurt me and those who have made it a point to rundown everything that I have ever been.  I will allow my enemies the courtesy that they have never extended to me.  I will kill them with kindness.  (if the world doesn’t end first)  And most of all, I will remember to say “I’m sorry”.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will tell that special man how much he means to me.  I will look deeply into his eyes and whisper “sweet nothings” in his ear.  I will tell him that when he walks into a room, my heart still skips a beat and my palms begin to sweat.  I’ll touch him as if for the very first time and I will revel in the beauty that he possesses.  I’ll tell him that he is all I dream of and that he’s the only man who I can fantasize of (although not for a lack of trying).  I’ll show him what’s in my heart and I’ll point out all the once broken pieces that are now held together because of his love.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will give my dog an extra treat and I’ll try really hard not to laugh at his nearly toothless old-man face.  I’ll refrain from telling him that he has a fat ass and a smile that only an Okie could love.  Instead, I will tell him how he has been my rock and how he’s pulled me through dark times in my life.  I’ll remind him of that time that I wrecked my car and he was so scared that when my mom came to save us, he took a giant shit on her console and that she found poo under her seat for a year.  I’ll smile and tell him how much that still makes me laugh when she pisses me off.  (sorry Mom)  I will try to cram all of the love of 12 years and all of the years that we will miss, all into one moment.  I’ll know that he feels it when he completely ignores me and instead tries to get past me to take over my couch.

If the world ends tomorrow… I will blame the cat.